Importance of personality development in a student’s life

Along with the transition from school age to student age there is a breakdown of contradictions and ideas of habitual life. It should be kept in mind that differences in motivation can be observed among students of different courses, faculties and specialties.

Importance of personality development in a student's life

First of all, our interest is determined by the fact that the formation of motivation and value orientations is an integral part of the development of the personality of a person. In the transitional, crisis period of development, new motives, ACCA lectures, new value orientations, new needs and interests arise, and on their basis the personality traits characteristic of the previous period are also reconstructed. Thus, the motives inherent in this age act as a personality-forming system and are associated with the development of self-awareness, awareness of the position of one’s own “I” in the system of social relations. Both value orientations and motives are among the most important components of the personality structure, according to the degree of formation of which the level of personality formation can be judged.

The purpose of our research is to study the features of student learning motivation and develop recommendations for its development by means of the psychological service of the university.


  • To study the social and psychological characteristics of student age.
  • Reveal the specifics of student learning motivation.
  • Investigate the features of the student’s educational motivational sphere.
  • To develop recommendations for the formation of stable positive motivation of students to the learning process at the university.

Adequate to the logic of our research, we used the following methods of work: observation, conversations, questionnaires, tests, the methodology “Motivation for learning activity”, the methodology “Questionnaire of terminal values (OTV)”, the test of life-meaning orientations (LSS) and the Leary test.In the course of a preliminary study of the problem, we formulated the following hypothesis:

The development of positive educational motivation in students is one of the conditions for favorable personal development and effective professional training of a student.The practical significance of the research work lies in the fact that it reveals the content of the psychological characteristics of the educational motivation of a student of a linguistic university and identifies its significant components. We believe that the conducted research will contribute to the student’s self-development, mastery of educational material, the development of educational and cognitive motives of a relatively high level, which in turn can lead to the formation of other social motives. In other words, there is a real opportunity to bring together that small number of diagnostic techniques that allow you to determine the nature of educational motivation for joint activities.

Socio-psychological characteristics of student age:

This age is characterized by the completion of the growth process, which ultimately leads to the flourishing of the organism, which creates the grounds not only for the special position of a young person in learning, but also for mastering other possibilities, roles and aspirations. Click here.

From the point of view of developmental psychology, at the student age, the features of the inner world and self-consciousness change, mental processes and personality traits evolve and rebuild, the emotional-volitional structure of life changes.