In this course we have covered C++ tutorial in hindi from beginners to advanced fundamentals. Concepts of C++ programming are made very simple and easy using best animated visual. Every topic is covered in greater detail. Programs and Bullet points are provided as resource. Every Topic is Explained with Real life Examples This course is designed by IITians and those peoples who cleared top companies interviews like Google, amazon, Microsoft.
Course Summary :
Understanding Computer programs in C++ in hindi :
- What is computer program and algorithms.
- What is flowchart in C++.
- What is pseudocode.
- Setting up C++ Environment.
- Hello world Program.
- Brain Teasers
C++ Programming Fundamentals I :
- Data-types and Ranges.
- Type modifiers.
- Input/Output in C++
- If-Else in C++
- Loop - While , do-while , for.
C++ Programming Fundamentals II :
- Break and Continue.
- Switch
- Operators - Arithmetics Relations , Logical , Bitwise assignment.
Basics of number system in C++ in hindi:
- Binary number system
- Reverse a number
- Armstrong number
- Prime numbers
Functions in C++ in hindi:
- Introduction to Functions.
- Difficulties and Examples
Space and Time Complexity in hindi:
- Definition and Basics.
- Polynomial Execution
- Master Theorem
Arrays in C++ in hindi:
- Introduction to Arrays
- Linear Search and Binary Search.
- Sorting Algorithms.
- STL sort
- Max subarray sum
- Pair sum problem
2D Arrays in C++ in hindi:
- Introduction and searching in 2D arrays.
- Questions and Examples for 2D arrays.
Character Arrays in hindi:
- Introduction and Input .
- Palindrome Arrays
- Largest word in a string
String in C++ in hindi:
- Sorting a string
- STL Function on string
Pointers in C++ in hindi:
- & operators
- Introduction to pointers
- Dereference operator in c++
- Pass by reference and pass by value.
Dynamic Memory Allocation in C++ in hindi:
- Compile time and runtime.
- Heap and Stack
- New , Delete
Bit Manipulation in C++ in hindi:
- Get , Set , Clear , Update
- Is Power of 2
- Number of one
- Generate Subsets
Number Theory Basics in C++ in hindi:
- Prime Sieve
- Counting divisors
- Euclid's algo for GCD
- Inclusion Exclusion Principle.
Introduction to Recursion in C++ in hindi:
- Call Stack
- Fibonacci numbers
- Factorial
- Fast Power
- First Occurrence and Last Occurrence
- Increasing , Decreasing , Order.
Recursion II in C++ in hindi:
- Tower of Hanoi
- Reverse string
- Replace pi
- Remove duplicates
- Move all X
- Subsequence Generation
- Generate Permutations
Recursion III :
- Permutation
- Count path
- 0-1 Knapsack
- Tiling Problem
- Friends Paring Problem.
Back Tracking in C++ in hindi:
- Rat in Maze Problem
- N-Queen Problem
Divide and Conquer in C++ :
More Sorting Techniques in C++ in hindi:
- Counting Sort
- DNF Algorithms
- Wave Sort
STL in C++ in hindi:
- Sort Function
- Pair Class
- Other STL Functions
Generic Programming in C++ in hindi:
- Templates
- Interators , Comparators
Vectors in C++ in hindi:
- Introduction to vectors in c++
- Methods
- Sorting
- Template
Object-Oriented Programming in hindi or OOPS Concepts in C++ in hindi:
- Class and objects
- Data members and functions
- Getters , Setters
- Constructor & its type
- Shallow and Deep Copy
- Copy Assignment
- Overlapping
Linked List in C++ in hindi:
- Introduction and Implements
- Insertion in linked list
- Searching in Linked List
- Deletion in linked list
- Reverse a linked List
- Iterative and Recursive Solutions
- K Reverse Problem
- Floyd's Cycle detective and removal
- Doubly linked list
- Circular linked list
Challenges in C++ in hindi:
- K append
- Even after odd
- Intersection Point
- Merge 2 Sort linked list
Stacks in C++ in hindi:
- Introduction to Stacks
- Implement using arrays
- Implement using Linked List
- Reverse a stack
- Balance parenthesis
- Infix , Prefix and Postfix Expression evolution
- Infix to Prefix using stack
- Infix to Post fix using stack
- Infix to Prefix using Stack
Queries in C++ in hindi:
- Introduction to Queries.
- Implement using Arrays
- Implement using linked list
- Implement stack using Queue
- Implement Queue using stack
Deque in C++ in hindi:
- Introduction to Deque
- Maximum Element
- Max length unique characters substring.
Binary Trees in C++ in hindi :
- Introduction to Binary Trees
- Pre-order , In-order , Post-order
- Level Order
- Sum at Level K
- Height and Diameter of BT
- BFS Traversal
- DFS Traversal
- Count and Sum Nodes
- Height Balance Tree
- Build Balanced Tree from Array
- Different views of Binary Tree
- Nodes at Common Ancestors
Binary Search Tree in C++ in hindi:
- Introduction to Binary Search Tree
- Implementation and Insertion
- Searching
- Deletion
- Check for Binary Search Tree
- Find Min and Max Element
- Flattern a tree
- Construct from Pre-order
- Catalan No concept
- Set STL
- Structural all Identical Binary Search Tree
- Zig-Zag Order
- Largest Binary Search tree in Binary Tree
Heaps in C++ in hindi:
- Introduction to Priority Queue
- Heaps
- Remove min and Max Elements
- Heap Sort
- Running Media
- Kth Smallest
- Top K most frequent No. in stream
- Merge K Sort Arrays
Introduction to Programming Languages
A program is a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do in order to come up with a solution to a particular problem. Programs are written using a programming language. A programming language is a formal language designed to communicate instructions to a computer.
Low-Level Languages :
Low-level languages are referred to as 'low' because they are very close to how different hardware elements of a computer actually communicate with each other. Low-level languages are machine oriented and require extensive knowledge of computer hardware and its configuration. There are two categories of low-level languages: machine language and assembly language.
High-Level Languages :
A high-level language is a programming language that uses English and mathematical symbols, like +, -, % and many others, in its instructions. When using the term 'programming languages,' most people are actually referring to high-level languages. High-level languages are the languages most often used by programmers to write programs. Examples of highlevel languages are C++, Fortran, Java and Python.
Compiler vs Interpreter :
A compiler is a computer program that translates a program written in a high-level language to the machine language of a computer. The high-level program is referred to as 'the source code.' The compiler is used to translate source code into machine code or compiled code. This does not yet use any of the input data. When the compiled code is executed, referred to as 'running the program,' the program processes the input data to produce the desired output.
How to Start Programmings :
Algorithm :
Algorithm is a step-by-step procedure, which defines a set of instructions to be executed in a certain order to get the desired output. Algorithms are generally created independent of underlying languages, i.e. an algorithm can be implemented in more than one programming language.
Flowcharts :
Flowcharts are written with program flow from the top of a page to the bottom. Each command is placed in a box of the appropriate shape, and arrows are used to direct program flow.
Pseudocode :
Pseudocode is a method of describing computer algorithms using a combination of natural language and programming language. It is essentially an intermittent step towards the development of the actual code. It allows the programmer to formulate their thoughts on the organization and sequence of a computer algorithm without the need for actually following the exact coding syntax
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